

“Happy Birthday” is Jim Lippard’s way of staying in touch with all of Epiphany’s members to this day.


With a smile and a deep faith, he has been a part of Epiphany since the day it was chartered.  Being on the Steering Committee to put the church in mission gave him the opportunity to use his God given talents such as leadership, service and the technical skills of an engineer.   And he did.


As an active member of another congregation, he was wise in the church’s workings.  His leadership at Epiphany brought him to be Council President, serve on all the committees except worship, and even to cleaning the church with his wife Lucy on Saturdays.  He is a servant and helped create a church where all are welcomed and cared for. 


The Lippard family has had multiple medical crises and each time, Jim relied on his church members and his deep faith and prayer life to help him through them.  One such crisis resulted in his son having a traumatic brain injury.  Prayer and congregational support were vital. Following this, Jim met with former Epiphany Pastor Steve Gerhard, who was a board member of Lutheran Family Services of the Carolinas, which later became Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC). A partnership of Jim, Epiphany, LSC resulted in the first Traumatic Brain Injury house in the region, aptly named Lippard Lodge in Clemmons.    


For over 60 years, Jim’s presence at Epiphany has been an inspiration for people to use the church’s institutions and better the life of others.  As Jim has aged, he relies on members to take him to doctor’s appointments, help with technology and to bring him to Sunday Services.  His early work of building a family through church has come full circle. 


He remains at Epiphany because he loves the people. 


Your generosity to Epiphany makes it possible for us to offer a variety of ministries like partnering with Lutheran Services Carolinas that help people like Jim serve others.  Thank you for your generosity to this ministry we share. 

Russell Peek