A Genuine Welcome

When Janet started college at Lenoir-Rhyne, a Lutheran school in Hickory, North Carolina, her roommate was Tina, the daughter of former Epiphany Pastor Paul and Kay Conrad.  Janet and Tina roomed together all four years of college and have remained lifelong friends. 


Not long after graduating L-R, Janet started attending church at Epiphany. Pastor Paul always made her feel welcome and was very happy to see her. It was a gratifying and comforting feeling for a new, young woman in a new town.


Soon, life changed for the better when Janet adopted Lizzie.  They are a beautiful part of the fabric of Epiphany.  Janet has served on the Outreach Committee, which gave her a sense of satisfaction and belonging.  It is meaningful for her to give back to others. 


Today Janet is an active part of one of our women’s small group circles.  She helps lead worship as a lector, and, along with her puppet Sam, tells children about God’s love during the children’s message. 


Throughout the years, Lizzie has gained friends and connections at Epiphany.  She has participated in confirmation, youth groups, and serves as an acolyte. 


Epiphany is stronger because of Janet and Lizzie, and, likewise, Janet and Lizzie love the relationships and bonds they have forged through the years. They love supporting Epiphany and the broader community. And, in return, Epiphany and the community at large give back to them.


Thank you, Epiphany, for being a place of genuine welcome

Russell Peek