Hard to Move

Marty is an eternal optimist who grew up with a strong connection to the Lutheran church in Iowa. She was a devoted pillar of her congregation there.

In 2015, five years after her husband died, Marty moved to Clemmons to live with her sister Janice who had just lost her husband. “After 73 years in Iowa,” Marty reflected, “it was hard to move. I sold my house and left my garden. When I got to North Carolina, I was looking for a church with unity, sharing in worship, singing, bible studies, friendliness, and peace at Sunday service.”

Worshipping with Janice at Epiphany, Marty found a welcoming family atmosphere. She found her new place of worship meaningful. “Talking to Pastor Laura was comforting,” she shared. “Working with Mickey in the office was a dream.” Attending bible study and worshiping on Sunday mornings, especially Patryck’s music and Ardel’s children’s messages, have all been a source of connection and peace. 


Today, Marty is a face and voice we often see and hear at Epiphany.  She currently serves as a greeter, lector, and prayer petitioner. She continues as an active member of the Mary Martha Women’s Circle, Epiphany’s book club, and our Widow’s Group. At Epiphany, she found her kind of church. “Being surrounded by love and peace means the most to me.” 

Your generosity to Epiphany makes it possible for us to offer a variety of ministries like worship, music, and children’s time that help people like Marty live out their discipleship in a community that feels like family. Thank you for your generosity to this ministry we share.

Russell Peek