NC Synod LYO Assembly

Hey Youth Parents - 

Each year - The NC Synod's LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) Assembly brings together Middle and High School Students in Greensboro, February 23-25. LYO is a time for youth from our synod to gather together, collaborate with other congregations in a youth-led event planned and facilitated by the LYO Board made up of youth from across the synod. Our theme this year is: Y'all Means All. 

Let me know if you're interested in attending this year and I will send you the registration details! or I'm happy to chat about more details!

Liz Dinkins
Director of Youth + Campus Ministries
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany


The LYO board chose the theme "Y'all Means All" because they wanted to ensure that all NC Synod youth know that the Church is a place of belonging for everyone, no matter what!

Over the course of the weekend, the theme will explore the following conversation topics:

  • Difficult conversations

  • Friendship and Bullying

  • Intersectionality (high school) and Identity (middle school)

  • Differences in Opinion

It's the hope of LYO leadership that as we talk about the theme—from difficult conversations to differences in opinion—we might come together and remember that in the waters of baptism Y’all Means All!

Liz Dinkins